Secretary-General Position: CC have published the Secretary-General role for candidates with more information on CC website here as well as via the Executive Search and Consultancy Dober Partners LinkedIn here Umberto di Pasquo


  • Simplification Package: On 26 March, the AGRIFISH Council endorsed, as part of the urgency procedure, the EC medium to long-term proposals for simplification, with only three minor technical adjustments. The EP should also follow the urgency procedure, while COMENVI is requesting to have shared competence on the file. The decision on how to proceed lies with the EP’s Conference of Committee Chairs. If not, the Conference of Presidents would need to decide Camelia Gyorffy, Paulo Gouveia
  • GAEC 1: After the positive outcome of the early non-objection procedure on the Delegated Act revising the Delegated Act 126/2022 on GAEC 1 in COMAGRI on 19 March, the AGRIFISH Council on 26 March also endorsed the text. The text now needs to go to one of the Plenaries in April for final endorsement before being published in the Official Journal Camelia Gyorffy, Paulo Gouveia
  • Long-term Vision for the EU’s Rural Areas: On 27 March, the EC presented its report on the Long-term vision on rural areas: key achievements and ways forward. This presents a factual state of play and some stakeholder and institutional considerations for the future support for rural areas. The institutions are requested to further reflect on the topic. A policy lab will take place in autumn and the next Rural Pact Conference will take place in the beginning of 2025. The latter will reflect on the post-2027 policy orientations with regards to rural areas and the financial support. Camelia Gyorffy, Paulo Gouveia
  • AGRIFISH: Following AGRIFISH Council meeting had on 26 March, COPA and COGECA Presidents explained key points discussed here below and in thread here

  • Fertilisers: The draft EC DELEGATED REGULATION (EU) …/… of 4.3.2024 amending Regulation (EU) 2019/1009 of the EP and of the Council as regards adding processed manure as a component material in EU fertilising products aims to add Processed manure fulfilling the conditions in Article 3(d) of Delegated Regulation (EU) 2023/1605 in the CMC 10. it was send to co-legislators on 8 March. The EP and Council generally have two months to formulate any objections. If they do not, the delegated act enters into force.The COM IMCO is the leading Committee, COMAGRI and ENVI are associated Committees. The next IMCO meeting will take place on 3 April. The rapporteur is not yet nominated Dominique Dejonckheere
  • PRM: The final version of Hebrert Dorfmann’s report is available in Agripulse. The draft COMENVI report goes in the wrong direction as it creates a secondary market for uncontrolled PRM; the derogations have been extended to full exemptions of PRM legislation and decouple PRM and NGT regulations on the sustainability testing of NGT 1 plants. Euroseeds and CC are working on several options 1) 1 amendment on the rejection of COMAGRI report 2) amendments improving the COMAGRI report 3) 1 amendment sending back the draft COMAGRI report to COMAGRI committee Dominique Dejonckheere
  • Floriculture Event: On 9 April from 6.30-8pm the European Flower and Plant Growers (represented by CC) will hold an event on recognising the fundamental importance of floriculture. This event will launch the European Flower and Plant Growers Manifesto in order to raise awareness among citizens and politicians regarding the importance of the sector and its commitments. The event will take place in-person at the EP. For those interested please register here Manon Dubois
  • Poultry: Letter from CC, EFFAB and EPB to permreps in Brussels and DG SANTE regarding broiler breeding and selection for welfare. Earlier this year, DG SANTE sent a letter to Veterinary attaches on the Implementation of provisions of Directive 9858 regarding genetic selection of broilers for rapid growth rate. During the last PAFF meeting, a point regarding genetic selection of broilers for rapid growth rate was in the agenda. Please contact your permrep to follow up on this issue Manon Dubois

  • EFSA Webinar: EFSA is consulting stakeholders on ‘Draft guidance on the scientific requirements for an application for authorisation of a novel food in the context of Regulation (EU) 2015/2283’. The deadline is 14 April. Concurrently, EFSA is organising a webinar on the Novel Food Guidance on 21 March, from 3-6 pm. More info and registration here Eva Sali 
  • Promotion Policy: CC met with DG AGRI to discuss the future of Reg 1144/2014, the reinterpretation of the continuation rule, the priorities for the 2025 Annual Work Programme and the expected budget cuts for multi programmes (no decision has been made yet). CC sent its input on the priorities (PPA(24)00886), coordinated messages with stakeholders and will later draft a letter on the budget to send to MS Eva Sali 
  • Food Waste: On 25 March, the ENVI ministers discussed the extent to which the targets proposed by the EC are sufficient to meet SDG 12.3. Few MS, including DE, argued that the targets were insufficient. Several MS called for a distinction between edible and inedible, whereas others challenged the baseline year of 2020. The NL called for the inclusion of the primary production, something that the rest of MS have rejected in line with the CC position. The Council is expected to adopt its general approach by June whereas trilogue negotiations will start during the next mandate Eva Sali 
  • Food Contaminants: DG SANTE is currently processing comments from stakeholders on the MOAHs (CC sent its own on 27 February). The discussions with MS will continue in Q2 and Q3 of 2024. The adoption of delegated acts is targeted to Q4 2024-Q1 2025 Eva Sali 

  • Deforestation: The date of the Council experts on ENVI and Forestry on deforestation was changed from 3 April to 23 April (back to back with the Ad-hoc working group on forest monitoring on 22 April) Oana Neagu
  • Deforestation: Please find here EN(24)00943 and EN(24)00912 the joint statements supported by CC that were released on 25 March and 28 March. The first one signed by four organisations representing primary producers is asking for the postponement of the entry into force of the EU Deforestation Regulation and the second ones supported by 23 EU organisations is raising the main concerns on the implementation of the regulation and asking the EC for urgent reaction. These are in line with the note supported by 21 MS in the AGRI Council on 26 March EN(24)00887 and with the various letters and questions sent by MEP. The Council experts will discuss in more details this file on 23 April Oana Neagu

  • AgETS: CC asks members to provide written contributions by 12 April EOB on a set of questions to prepare reflections on the AgETS Study. These contributions should guide discussions on 25 April from 2.30-4.30pm CET. Please note that this is an internal meeting with translation in all languages (hybrid). Please save the date in your calendar and register through the following link here.(deadline 23 April). Please refer to the first part of the study EN(23)05215 in your internal discussions on the following questions. These written reflections and our internal discussion will help prepare contributions to the workshops on 19-20 June, where the EC will be looking into the following open-questions for further study 1) Administrative feasibility of down and upstream options, 2) Impacts on trade and mechanisms to avoid it (CBAM, FTAs, feasibility of free allowances) 3) Impact on farm income 4) Impact on consumers (marketing and prices), and 5) Impact on ensuring a more resilient environment and on animal welfare Irene de Tovar
  • Certification Framework for Carbon Removals: The provisional agreement reached between the Council and the EP on 19 February was ratified by Coreper on 8 March and by COMENVI on 11 March, and will now be voted in plenary on 10 April Irene de Tovar
  • IED: The Council and the EP were expected to do the ceremony of ratification of the IED approved agreement on 2 April. This is yet to be confirmed Irene de Tovar
  • NRL: The Council was expected to vote on 25 March on the NRL, however first it was due to be confirmed on the agenda for that meeting in a COREPER I meeting on 20 March. Due to the fact that there was no majority for this to pass in the Council the following week, it was not added to the agenda for the ENVI Council and instead due to be rediscussed on 22 wherein another COREPER I meeting was held. However, the COREPER I meeting did not, in the end, place the NRL on the agenda. However, an AOB point was added to the agenda of the ENVI Council on the morning of 25 for the afternoon public session regarding the NRL. HU stated that their reason for rejection is for subsidiarity reasons, as they are already restoring & this proposal does not give proper flexibility Niall Curley
  • ChemSkills Project: On behalf of the president of the Agricultural Association of the Czech Republic, CC kindly ask you to participate in a survey regarding the current state of skills related to promoting digitisation and environmental sustainability in the fertiliser industry. This survey is crucial for identifying existing skills gaps and deficiencies in current training programs aimed at enhancing qualifications and retraining workers. Your participation and cooperation would greatly contribute to the success of the ChemSkills project. Please find below the link to the survey here. Further information on the Chemskills project can be found here Niall CurleyBranwen Miles, Marina AntonovaDominique Dejonckheere

  • R&I Workshop: On 28 March, CC held a workshop on research and innovation wiht the R&I WP to share information an exchange on a number of EU  projects for further collaboration. See the thread to find out more about the EU projects here Branwen Miles
  • EU CAP Network: The EU CAP Network are organising an EIP-AGRI Operational Group conference along with a OG Innovation Award, to take place back to back from 7-8 May in Estoril, Portugal. The main objective of the conference is twofold: to highlight the successful implementation of the EIP-AGRI through Operational Group projects as one of its main building blocks, and to learn from this experience for the implementation of projects under the CAP 2023-2027. The main objective of the awards is to recognise and reward outstanding EIP-AGRI OGs which have developed innovative practices, solutions, products and processes. There are six award categories in total. More information and to apply here Branwen Miles

  • FSDN: The EC adopted the FSDN Delegated Act on 13 March. This will follow a 2-months scrutiny period, with the publication in the Official Journal expected for end of May. In the next FSDN/FADN Committee on 18 April, a potential revised version on the FSDN new variables will be discussed. The intention is to have the Implementing Act on these variables approved in autumn 2024 Camelia Gyorffy

  • Ukraine ATMs: On 27 March in the evening MSs reached an agreement in Coreper on Council’s position on the trilogue outcome on renewal of Ukraine ATMs. The position consists of an addition of the second half of year 2021 to the reference period (July 2021 to December 2023). Reinforced monitoring on cereals + a declaration on art. 29 of DCFTA to confirm that it’s the last ATM, and Association Agreement need to be re-discussed. No new products added to the automatic triggering system. The next step is for the Belgian Presidency to go to the EP with this proposition. At this stage, CC do not know if there will be a formal new trilogue or if it will directly go for a vote in EP INTA on 9 April and then in Plenary on 11 April. The agreement is an improvement but not enough to ensure a fair balance for sectors Ksenija SimovicBruno Menne
  • Enlargement: The EC adopted last week a Communication on pre-enlargement reforms and policy reviews. This document contributes to the ongoing discussion process about the internal reforms the EU will need to make to prepare for an enlarged Union. It looks at the implications of a larger EU in four main areas; values, policies, budget and governance, including CAP. More info here Ksenija SimovicPaulo Gouveia
  • CETA: Have your say consultation on the evaluation of the EU-Canada Comprehensive Economic and Trade Agreement (CETA) is open until 15 April for your contributions. More info here Ksenija Simovic

Irish Independent – EU farm lobby concerned small farmers’ inspection exemption creates unlevel playing field
Agriland – CAP simplification plan gets backing of EU agri ministers council
Euractiv – Agrifood Special CAPitals: Generational renewal
Euractiv – EU unable to approve new gene-editing plans in current mandate
Euractiv – Member states push for further safeguards against Ukrainian imports
Euractiv – Agri ministers call the Commission to speed up work on animal transport
Euractiv – EU Council backs relaxation of CAP green rules, paving way for swift approval
Euractiv – Agriculture ministers push to weaken anti-deforestation rules for EU farmers
European Commission Newsletter – Knowledge Centre for Bioeconomy Newsletter
FWI – Fruit and veg fears as key support scheme set to go
Euronews – Governments urged to reconsider bid to delay deforestation law
Euronews – In pictures: Farmers spray manure and throw beets to protest EU agricultural policy

Copyright © 2024 Copa-Cogeca, All rights reserved.

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COPA-COGECA · Rue de Trèves 61 · Bruxelles 1040 · Belgium

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Weekly Briefing 29.03.2024
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Secretary-General Position: CC have published the Secretary-General role for candidates with more information on CC website here as well as via the Executive Search and Consultancy Dober Partners LinkedIn here Umberto di Pasquo


  • Simplification Package: On 26 March, the AGRIFISH Council endorsed, as part of the urgency procedure, the EC medium to long-term proposals for simplification, with only three minor technical adjustments. The EP should also follow the urgency procedure, while COMENVI is requesting to have shared competence on the file. The decision on how to proceed lies with the EP’s Conference of Committee Chairs. If not, the Conference of Presidents would need to decide Camelia Gyorffy, Paulo Gouveia
  • GAEC 1: After the positive outcome of the early non-objection procedure on the Delegated Act revising the Delegated Act 126/2022 on GAEC 1 in COMAGRI on 19 March, the AGRIFISH Council on 26 March also endorsed the text. The text now needs to go to one of the Plenaries in April for final endorsement before being published in the Official Journal Camelia Gyorffy, Paulo Gouveia
  • Long-term Vision for the EU’s Rural Areas: On 27 March, the EC presented its report on the Long-term vision on rural areas: key achievements and ways forward. This presents a factual state of play and some stakeholder and institutional considerations for the future support for rural areas. The institutions are requested to further reflect on the topic. A policy lab will take place in autumn and the next Rural Pact Conference will take place in the beginning of 2025. The latter will reflect on the post-2027 policy orientations with regards to rural areas and the financial support. Camelia Gyorffy, Paulo Gouveia
  • AGRIFISH: Following AGRIFISH Council meeting had on 26 March, COPA and COGECA Presidents explained key points discussed here below and in thread here
  • Fertilisers: The draft EC DELEGATED REGULATION (EU) …/… of 4.3.2024 amending Regulation (EU) 2019/1009 of the EP and of the Council as regards adding processed manure as a component material in EU fertilising products aims to add Processed manure fulfilling the conditions in Article 3(d) of Delegated Regulation (EU) 2023/1605 in the CMC 10. it was send to co-legislators on 8 March. The EP and Council generally have two months to formulate any objections. If they do not, the delegated act enters into force.The COM IMCO is the leading Committee, COMAGRI and ENVI are associated Committees. The next IMCO meeting will take place on 3 April. The rapporteur is not yet nominated Dominique Dejonckheere
  • PRM: The final version of Hebrert Dorfmann’s report is available in Agripulse. The draft COMENVI report goes in the wrong direction as it creates a secondary market for uncontrolled PRM; the derogations have been extended to full exemptions of PRM legislation and decouple PRM and NGT regulations on the sustainability testing of NGT 1 plants. Euroseeds and CC are working on several options 1) 1 amendment on the rejection of COMAGRI report 2) amendments improving the COMAGRI report 3) 1 amendment sending back the draft COMAGRI report to COMAGRI committee Dominique Dejonckheere
  • Floriculture Event: On 9 April from 6.30-8pm the European Flower and Plant Growers (represented by CC) will hold an event on recognising the fundamental importance of floriculture. This event will launch the European Flower and Plant Growers Manifesto in order to raise awareness among citizens and politicians regarding the importance of the sector and its commitments. The event will take place in-person at the EP. For those interested please register here Manon Dubois
  • Poultry: Letter from CC, EFFAB and EPB to permreps in Brussels and DG SANTE regarding broiler breeding and selection for welfare. Earlier this year, DG SANTE sent a letter to Veterinary attaches on the Implementation of provisions of Directive 9858 regarding genetic selection of broilers for rapid growth rate. During the last PAFF meeting, a point regarding genetic selection of broilers for rapid growth rate was in the agenda. Please contact your permrep to follow up on this issue Manon Dubois
  • EFSA Webinar: EFSA is consulting stakeholders on ‘Draft guidance on the scientific requirements for an application for authorisation of a novel food in the context of Regulation (EU) 2015/2283’. The deadline is 14 April. Concurrently, EFSA is organising a webinar on the Novel Food Guidance on 21 March, from 3-6 pm. More info and registration here Eva Sali 
  • Promotion Policy: CC met with DG AGRI to discuss the future of Reg 1144/2014, the reinterpretation of the continuation rule, the priorities for the 2025 Annual Work Programme and the expected budget cuts for multi programmes (no decision has been made yet). CC sent its input on the priorities (PPA(24)00886), coordinated messages with stakeholders and will later draft a letter on the budget to send to MS Eva Sali 
  • Food Waste: On 25 March, the ENVI ministers discussed the extent to which the targets proposed by the EC are sufficient to meet SDG 12.3. Few MS, including DE, argued that the targets were insufficient. Several MS called for a distinction between edible and inedible, whereas others challenged the baseline year of 2020. The NL called for the inclusion of the primary production, something that the rest of MS have rejected in line with the CC position. The Council is expected to adopt its general approach by June whereas trilogue negotiations will start during the next mandate Eva Sali 
  • Food Contaminants: DG SANTE is currently processing comments from stakeholders on the MOAHs (CC sent its own on 27 February). The discussions with MS will continue in Q2 and Q3 of 2024. The adoption of delegated acts is targeted to Q4 2024-Q1 2025 Eva Sali 
  • Deforestation: The date of the Council experts on ENVI and Forestry on deforestation was changed from 3 April to 23 April (back to back with the Ad-hoc working group on forest monitoring on 22 April) Oana Neagu
  • Deforestation: Please find here EN(24)00943 and EN(24)00912 the joint statements supported by CC that were released on 25 March and 28 March. The first one signed by four organisations representing primary producers is asking for the postponement of the entry into force of the EU Deforestation Regulation and the second ones supported by 23 EU organisations is raising the main concerns on the implementation of the regulation and asking the EC for urgent reaction. These are in line with the note supported by 21 MS in the AGRI Council on 26 March EN(24)00887 and with the various letters and questions sent by MEP. The Council experts will discuss in more details this file on 23 April Oana Neagu
  • AgETS: CC asks members to provide written contributions by 12 April EOB on a set of questions to prepare reflections on the AgETS Study. These contributions should guide discussions on 25 April from 2.30-4.30pm CET. Please note that this is an internal meeting with translation in all languages (hybrid). Please save the date in your calendar and register through the following link here.(deadline 23 April). Please refer to the first part of the study EN(23)05215 in your internal discussions on the following questions. These written reflections and our internal discussion will help prepare contributions to the workshops on 19-20 June, where the EC will be looking into the following open-questions for further study 1) Administrative feasibility of down and upstream options, 2) Impacts on trade and mechanisms to avoid it (CBAM, FTAs, feasibility of free allowances) 3) Impact on farm income 4) Impact on consumers (marketing and prices), and 5) Impact on ensuring a more resilient environment and on animal welfare Irene de Tovar
  • Certification Framework for Carbon Removals: The provisional agreement reached between the Council and the EP on 19 February was ratified by Coreper on 8 March and by COMENVI on 11 March, and will now be voted in plenary on 10 April Irene de Tovar
  • IED: The Council and the EP were expected to do the ceremony of ratification of the IED approved agreement on 2 April. This is yet to be confirmed Irene de Tovar
  • NRL: The Council was expected to vote on 25 March on the NRL, however first it was due to be confirmed on the agenda for that meeting in a COREPER I meeting on 20 March. Due to the fact that there was no majority for this to pass in the Council the following week, it was not added to the agenda for the ENVI Council and instead due to be rediscussed on 22 wherein another COREPER I meeting was held. However, the COREPER I meeting did not, in the end, place the NRL on the agenda. However, an AOB point was added to the agenda of the ENVI Council on the morning of 25 for the afternoon public session regarding the NRL. HU stated that their reason for rejection is for subsidiarity reasons, as they are already restoring & this proposal does not give proper flexibility Niall Curley
  • ChemSkills Project: On behalf of the president of the Agricultural Association of the Czech Republic, CC kindly ask you to participate in a survey regarding the current state of skills related to promoting digitisation and environmental sustainability in the fertiliser industry. This survey is crucial for identifying existing skills gaps and deficiencies in current training programs aimed at enhancing qualifications and retraining workers. Your participation and cooperation would greatly contribute to the success of the ChemSkills project. Please find below the link to the survey here. Further information on the Chemskills project can be found here Niall CurleyBranwen Miles, Marina AntonovaDominique Dejonckheere
  • R&I Workshop: On 28 March, CC held a workshop on research and innovation wiht the R&I WP to share information an exchange on a number of EU  projects for further collaboration. See the thread to find out more about the EU projects here Branwen Miles
  • EU CAP Network: The EU CAP Network are organising an EIP-AGRI Operational Group conference along with a OG Innovation Award, to take place back to back from 7-8 May in Estoril, Portugal. The main objective of the conference is twofold: to highlight the successful implementation of the EIP-AGRI through Operational Group projects as one of its main building blocks, and to learn from this experience for the implementation of projects under the CAP 2023-2027. The main objective of the awards is to recognise and reward outstanding EIP-AGRI OGs which have developed innovative practices, solutions, products and processes. There are six award categories in total. More information and to apply here Branwen Miles
  • FSDN: The EC adopted the FSDN Delegated Act on 13 March. This will follow a 2-months scrutiny period, with the publication in the Official Journal expected for end of May. In the next FSDN/FADN Committee on 18 April, a potential revised version on the FSDN new variables will be discussed. The intention is to have the Implementing Act on these variables approved in autumn 2024 Camelia Gyorffy
  • Ukraine ATMs: On 27 March in the evening MSs reached an agreement in Coreper on Council’s position on the trilogue outcome on renewal of Ukraine ATMs. The position consists of an addition of the second half of year 2021 to the reference period (July 2021 to December 2023). Reinforced monitoring on cereals + a declaration on art. 29 of DCFTA to confirm that it’s the last ATM, and Association Agreement need to be re-discussed. No new products added to the automatic triggering system. The next step is for the Belgian Presidency to go to the EP with this proposition. At this stage, CC do not know if there will be a formal new trilogue or if it will directly go for a vote in EP INTA on 9 April and then in Plenary on 11 April. The agreement is an improvement but not enough to ensure a fair balance for sectors Ksenija SimovicBruno Menne
  • Enlargement: The EC adopted last week a Communication on pre-enlargement reforms and policy reviews. This document contributes to the ongoing discussion process about the internal reforms the EU will need to make to prepare for an enlarged Union. It looks at the implications of a larger EU in four main areas; values, policies, budget and governance, including CAP. More info here Ksenija SimovicPaulo Gouveia
  • CETA: Have your say consultation on the evaluation of the EU-Canada Comprehensive Economic and Trade Agreement (CETA) is open until 15 April for your contributions. More info here Ksenija Simovic
Irish Independent – EU farm lobby concerned small farmers’ inspection exemption creates unlevel playing field
Agriland – CAP simplification plan gets backing of EU agri ministers council
Euractiv – Agrifood Special CAPitals: Generational renewal
Euractiv – EU unable to approve new gene-editing plans in current mandate
Euractiv – Member states push for further safeguards against Ukrainian imports
Euractiv – Agri ministers call the Commission to speed up work on animal transport
Euractiv – EU Council backs relaxation of CAP green rules, paving way for swift approval
Euractiv – Agriculture ministers push to weaken anti-deforestation rules for EU farmers
European Commission Newsletter – Knowledge Centre for Bioeconomy Newsletter
FWI – Fruit and veg fears as key support scheme set to go
Euronews – Governments urged to reconsider bid to delay deforestation law
Euronews – In pictures: Farmers spray manure and throw beets to protest EU agricultural policy
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COPA-COGECA · Rue de Trèves 61 · Bruxelles 1040 · Belgium Email Marketing Powered by Mailchimp
Fri, 29 Mar 2024 13:29:37 +0000

<![CDATA[Weekly Briefing 22.03.2024]]> https://mailchi.mp/0da1b46e75ee/weekly-briefing-22032024 https://mailchi.mp/0da1b46e75ee/weekly-briefing-22032024
Weekly Briefing 22.03.2024
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Secretary-General Position: CC have published the Secretary-General role for candidates with more information on CC website here as well as via the Executive Search and Consultancy Dober Partners LinkedIn here Umberto di Pasquo


  • Simplification Package: Following the publication of the EC proposals for medium and long-term simplification of the agricultural policy on 15 March, the Commissioner for agriculture presented these proposals in COM AGRI on 19 March. The Greens and the Left are opposing these measures. It has been decided that in order for the changes to take effect already in 2024, the EP will follow the urgency procedure. Same will apply for the Agriculture and Fisheries Council so that the Council on 26 March can take a final decision Camelia Gyorffy, Paulo Gouveia
  • Revision of GAEC 1: On 19 March, COM AGRI has given a positive vote on the Draft Delegated Regulation revising the Delegated Regulation 126/2022 on GAEC 1 as part of the early non-objection procedure. Once the Council will also give its opinion, this act will be published in the Official Journal Camelia Gyorffy, Paulo Gouveia
  • Code of Conduct: CC together with the other members of the Liaison Group met with DG SANTE and DG GROW to discuss the future of the Code of Conduct for Responsible Business and Marketings Practices. It was agreed that an online platform would be set up by DG GROW providing signatories with all information on the funding opportunities that exist for sustainability projects as well as concrete sustainability initiatives and best practices Bruno Menne
  • Seeds: COMAGRI voted on the draft report of Herbert Dorfmann on PRM on 19 March. The draft report was adopted by a majority (25 +, 17 0 and 2 -). The draft report is not aligned with CC’s position because it extends the scope of the derogations and waters down the sustainability testing for fruit and vegetables obtained by NGT 1 plants. CC and Euroseeds will work together for joint actions before the vote in plenary on 23 April. See section seeds in agripulse for more information Dominique Dejonckheere
  • Floriculture Event: On 9 April from 6.30-8pm the European Flower and Plant Growers (represented by CC) will hold an event on recognising the fundamental importance of floriculture. This event will launch the European Flower and Plant Growers Manifesto in order to raise awareness among citizens and politicians regarding the importance of the sector and its commitments. The event will take place in-person at the EP. For those interested please register here Manon Dubois
  • ASF: The EC updated on 21 March its Implementing Regulation (EU) 2024/968 amending Annex I to Implementing Regulation (EU) 2023/594 laying down special control measures for African swine fever Manon Dubois
  • Wine: The internal working document on the reflections on the structural measures needed for the EU wine sector has been published on AgriPulse here Giacomo Guala
  • Spirits: Congratulations to Gerald Erdrich for being re-elected as Chair during the Spirits WP meeting on 20 March! Congratulations also to Wolfgang Lukas who was re-elected as VC and Jasna Čačić who was elected as VC Giacomo Guala
  • EFSA Webinar: EFSA is consulting stakeholders on ‘Draft guidance on the scientific requirements for an application for authorisation of a novel food in the context of Regulation (EU) 2015/2283’. The deadline is 14 April. Concurrently, EFSA is organising a webinar on the Novel Food Guidance on 21 March, from 3-6 pm. More info and registration here Eva Sali 
  • Deforestation: The date of the Council experts on ENVI and Forestry on deforestation was changed from 3 April to 23 April (back to back with the Ad-hoc working group on forest monitoring on 22 April) Oana Neagu
  • Green Claims: A working document form the Council environmental working party dated back to February 2024 has been published in AriPulse here Giacomo GualaIrene de Tovar
  • NRL: The Council was expected to vote on 25 March on the Nature Restoration Law, however first it was due to be confirmed on the agenda for that meeting in a COREPER I meeting on 20 March. Due to the fact that there was no clear majority for this to pass in the Council the following week, it was not added to the agenda for the ENVI Council and instead due to be rediscussed on 22 March wherein a second COREPER I meeting was held. However, the COREPER I meeting did not, in the end, place the NRL on the agenda of the COREPER I and now it is unsure as to what the next steps are. More information will be made available when CC is aware of the next steps Niall Curley
  • EU CAP Network: The EU CAP Network are organising an EIP-AGRI Operational Group conference along with a OG Innovation Award, to take place back to back from 7-8 May in Estoril, Portugal. The main objective of the conference is twofold: to highlight the successful implementation of the EIP-AGRI through Operational Group projects as one of its main building blocks, and to learn from this experience for the implementation of projects under the CAP 2023-2027. The main objective of the awards is to recognise and reward outstanding EIP-AGRI OGs which have developed innovative practices, solutions, products and processes. There are six award categories in total. More information and to apply here Branwen Miles
  • Rural Women Event: On 20 March, CC and Grass Ceiling held an event on empowering female entrepreneurship and innovation in rural areas to discusss the importance of access to finance for women in agriculture. Find the thread here Branwen Miles
  • EU-NZ: The New Zealand parliament on 21 March, overwhelmingly voted to ratify a bill seeking to implement New Zealand’s obligations under the NZ-EU FTA. The European Union Free Trade Agreement Legislation Amendment Bill was passed at its second reading, which enabled the NZ-EU FTA to come into force on May Ksenija Simovic
  • EU-NZ Delegated Act: There is a DA which modifies EU DA 2020/760 to take into account commitments taken by the EU in the agreement with NZ, but it does not refer only to dairy products, but also to other commodities e.g. beef, where the FTA foresees the issuing of a certificate of eligibility from the exporting party. In a nutshell, the DA creates the concept of “certificate of eligibility”, further declined in other – more operational – legal acts. Commitments on the same matter – TRQs opened or modified by the FTA – will be translated into EU legislation by other legal acts, notably an IA that is currently subject to its comitology process (BILAT(24)00964Ksenija Simovic
  • Russia/Belorussia: The EC proposed on 22 March to increase tariffs on Russian and Belarusian grain products. Increase the tariffs on imports into the EU of cereals, oilseeds, and derived products from Russia and Belarus, including wheat, maize, and sunflower meal. These tariffs, while high enough to suppress such imports into the EU in practice, would not affect exports to third countries. EC Q&A here. CC sent on 21 March a survey on the potential impact of these measures, considering also possible retaliation from Russia. Please provide your feedback before 27 March here Ksenija SimovicBruno Menne
  • Trilogue Ukraine ATM: A trilogue agreement was reached on 19 March, but it doesn’t take into account any of CC’s main concerns that have been included in the EP’s amendments. It only changes the time period for the activation of the automatic safeguards from 21 to 14 days. It includes oat, maize and honey in the automatic triggering system. However, oat imports are not an issue, the real affected cereals are wheat and barley while for maize it does not achieve anything as maize has not duty on its TRQs, meaning that if the volume is reached, nothing will happen. INTA approved the trilogue agreement (24+, 10-), but COREPER II decided to postpone their decision to another meeting, but no date has been confirmed yet. CC will now meet with the Belgian Presidency and has sent letters to MS to push them to refuse the trilogue agreement Ksenija SimovicBruno Menne
  • MTK: Finnish farmers and forest owners (MTK and SLC) have published their biodiversity road map! More information here. They will present their biodiversity road map at an event on 2 April from 2.30pm at CC premises. More information here
BBC – Farmers’ protests: EU to cap some Ukrainian tariff-free imports
Euractiv – EU moves to speed up adoption of green conditions simplification for farmers
Euractiv – EU agrees to renew Ukraine trade benefits, but deal still in the limbo
Politico – Farmer fury puts EU support for Ukraine to the test
France24 – In Spain, hi-tech hops keep beer bitter as climate bites
Agriland – Copa Cogeca raises ‘concern’ for EU over new draft plant report
Agriland – EU CAP simplification plans will ‘safeguard agricultural transition’
Euractiv – Baltics, Poland, Czechia reiterate demand to cap grain imports from Russia
Euractiv – EU agriculture MEPs vote to exempt ‘old varieties’ from seed marketing rules
Euractiv – EU Parliament committee calls for more support for on-farm slaughter of animals
Euractiv – Czechia seeks EU ban on Russian, Belarusian grain imports
Euractiv – French Senate rejects EU-Canada free trade deal
Eurostat – Forestry and wood industry jobs up 1.4% from 2012 to 2022
Fresh Plaza – EU Horticulture General Assembly reflects on challenges and prospects for agriculture across Europe
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COPA-COGECA · Rue de Trèves 61 · Bruxelles 1040 · Belgium Email Marketing Powered by Mailchimp

Weekly Briefing 22.03.2024
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Secretary-General Position: CC have published the Secretary-General role for candidates with more information on CC website here as well as via the Executive Search and Consultancy Dober Partners LinkedIn here Umberto di Pasquo


  • Simplification Package: Following the publication of the EC proposals for medium and long-term simplification of the agricultural policy on 15 March, the Commissioner for agriculture presented these proposals in COM AGRI on 19 March. The Greens and the Left are opposing these measures. It has been decided that in order for the changes to take effect already in 2024, the EP will follow the urgency procedure. Same will apply for the Agriculture and Fisheries Council so that the Council on 26 March can take a final decision Camelia Gyorffy, Paulo Gouveia
  • Revision of GAEC 1: On 19 March, COM AGRI has given a positive vote on the Draft Delegated Regulation revising the Delegated Regulation 126/2022 on GAEC 1 as part of the early non-objection procedure. Once the Council will also give its opinion, this act will be published in the Official Journal Camelia Gyorffy, Paulo Gouveia
  • Code of Conduct: CC together with the other members of the Liaison Group met with DG SANTE and DG GROW to discuss the future of the Code of Conduct for Responsible Business and Marketings Practices. It was agreed that an online platform would be set up by DG GROW providing signatories with all information on the funding opportunities that exist for sustainability projects as well as concrete sustainability initiatives and best practices Bruno Menne
  • Seeds: COMAGRI voted on the draft report of Herbert Dorfmann on PRM on 19 March. The draft report was adopted by a majority (25 +, 17 0 and 2 -). The draft report is not aligned with CC’s position because it extends the scope of the derogations and waters down the sustainability testing for fruit and vegetables obtained by NGT 1 plants. CC and Euroseeds will work together for joint actions before the vote in plenary on 23 April. See section seeds in agripulse for more information Dominique Dejonckheere
  • Floriculture Event: On 9 April from 6.30-8pm the European Flower and Plant Growers (represented by CC) will hold an event on recognising the fundamental importance of floriculture. This event will launch the European Flower and Plant Growers Manifesto in order to raise awareness among citizens and politicians regarding the importance of the sector and its commitments. The event will take place in-person at the EP. For those interested please register here Manon Dubois
  • ASF: The EC updated on 21 March its Implementing Regulation (EU) 2024/968 amending Annex I to Implementing Regulation (EU) 2023/594 laying down special control measures for African swine fever Manon Dubois
  • Wine: The internal working document on the reflections on the structural measures needed for the EU wine sector has been published on AgriPulse here Giacomo Guala
  • Spirits: Congratulations to Gerald Erdrich for being re-elected as Chair during the Spirits WP meeting on 20 March! Congratulations also to Wolfgang Lukas who was re-elected as VC and Jasna Čačić who was elected as VC Giacomo Guala
  • EFSA Webinar: EFSA is consulting stakeholders on ‘Draft guidance on the scientific requirements for an application for authorisation of a novel food in the context of Regulation (EU) 2015/2283’. The deadline is 14 April. Concurrently, EFSA is organising a webinar on the Novel Food Guidance on 21 March, from 3-6 pm. More info and registration here Eva Sali 
  • Deforestation: The date of the Council experts on ENVI and Forestry on deforestation was changed from 3 April to 23 April (back to back with the Ad-hoc working group on forest monitoring on 22 April) Oana Neagu
  • Green Claims: A working document form the Council environmental working party dated back to February 2024 has been published in AriPulse here Giacomo GualaIrene de Tovar
  • NRL: The Council was expected to vote on 25 March on the Nature Restoration Law, however first it was due to be confirmed on the agenda for that meeting in a COREPER I meeting on 20 March. Due to the fact that there was no clear majority for this to pass in the Council the following week, it was not added to the agenda for the ENVI Council and instead due to be rediscussed on 22 March wherein a second COREPER I meeting was held. However, the COREPER I meeting did not, in the end, place the NRL on the agenda of the COREPER I and now it is unsure as to what the next steps are. More information will be made available when CC is aware of the next steps Niall Curley
  • EU CAP Network: The EU CAP Network are organising an EIP-AGRI Operational Group conference along with a OG Innovation Award, to take place back to back from 7-8 May in Estoril, Portugal. The main objective of the conference is twofold: to highlight the successful implementation of the EIP-AGRI through Operational Group projects as one of its main building blocks, and to learn from this experience for the implementation of projects under the CAP 2023-2027. The main objective of the awards is to recognise and reward outstanding EIP-AGRI OGs which have developed innovative practices, solutions, products and processes. There are six award categories in total. More information and to apply here Branwen Miles
  • Rural Women Event: On 20 March, CC and Grass Ceiling held an event on empowering female entrepreneurship and innovation in rural areas to discusss the importance of access to finance for women in agriculture. Find the thread here Branwen Miles
  • EU-NZ: The New Zealand parliament on 21 March, overwhelmingly voted to ratify a bill seeking to implement New Zealand’s obligations under the NZ-EU FTA. The European Union Free Trade Agreement Legislation Amendment Bill was passed at its second reading, which enabled the NZ-EU FTA to come into force on May Ksenija Simovic
  • EU-NZ Delegated Act: There is a DA which modifies EU DA 2020/760 to take into account commitments taken by the EU in the agreement with NZ, but it does not refer only to dairy products, but also to other commodities e.g. beef, where the FTA foresees the issuing of a certificate of eligibility from the exporting party. In a nutshell, the DA creates the concept of “certificate of eligibility”, further declined in other – more operational – legal acts. Commitments on the same matter – TRQs opened or modified by the FTA – will be translated into EU legislation by other legal acts, notably an IA that is currently subject to its comitology process (BILAT(24)00964Ksenija Simovic
  • Russia/Belorussia: The EC proposed on 22 March to increase tariffs on Russian and Belarusian grain products. Increase the tariffs on imports into the EU of cereals, oilseeds, and derived products from Russia and Belarus, including wheat, maize, and sunflower meal. These tariffs, while high enough to suppress such imports into the EU in practice, would not affect exports to third countries. EC Q&A here. CC sent on 21 March a survey on the potential impact of these measures, considering also possible retaliation from Russia. Please provide your feedback before 27 March here Ksenija SimovicBruno Menne
  • Trilogue Ukraine ATM: A trilogue agreement was reached on 19 March, but it doesn’t take into account any of CC’s main concerns that have been included in the EP’s amendments. It only changes the time period for the activation of the automatic safeguards from 21 to 14 days. It includes oat, maize and honey in the automatic triggering system. However, oat imports are not an issue, the real affected cereals are wheat and barley while for maize it does not achieve anything as maize has not duty on its TRQs, meaning that if the volume is reached, nothing will happen. INTA approved the trilogue agreement (24+, 10-), but COREPER II decided to postpone their decision to another meeting, but no date has been confirmed yet. CC will now meet with the Belgian Presidency and has sent letters to MS to push them to refuse the trilogue agreement Ksenija SimovicBruno Menne
  • MTK: Finnish farmers and forest owners (MTK and SLC) have published their biodiversity road map! More information here. They will present their biodiversity road map at an event on 2 April from 2.30pm at CC premises. More information here
BBC – Farmers’ protests: EU to cap some Ukrainian tariff-free imports
Euractiv – EU moves to speed up adoption of green conditions simplification for farmers
Euractiv – EU agrees to renew Ukraine trade benefits, but deal still in the limbo
Politico – Farmer fury puts EU support for Ukraine to the test
France24 – In Spain, hi-tech hops keep beer bitter as climate bites
Agriland – Copa Cogeca raises ‘concern’ for EU over new draft plant report
Agriland – EU CAP simplification plans will ‘safeguard agricultural transition’
Euractiv – Baltics, Poland, Czechia reiterate demand to cap grain imports from Russia
Euractiv – EU agriculture MEPs vote to exempt ‘old varieties’ from seed marketing rules
Euractiv – EU Parliament committee calls for more support for on-farm slaughter of animals
Euractiv – Czechia seeks EU ban on Russian, Belarusian grain imports
Euractiv – French Senate rejects EU-Canada free trade deal
Eurostat – Forestry and wood industry jobs up 1.4% from 2012 to 2022
Fresh Plaza – EU Horticulture General Assembly reflects on challenges and prospects for agriculture across Europe
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COPA-COGECA · Rue de Trèves 61 · Bruxelles 1040 · Belgium Email Marketing Powered by Mailchimp
Fri, 22 Mar 2024 16:21:17 +0000

<![CDATA[Weekly Briefing 15.03.2024]]> https://mailchi.mp/233c40b2fc65/weekly-briefing-15032024 https://mailchi.mp/233c40b2fc65/weekly-briefing-15032024
Weekly Briefing 15.03.2024
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Secretary-General Position: CC have published the Secretary-General role for candidates with more information on CC website here as well as via the Executive Search and Consultancy Dober Partners LinkedIn here Umberto di Pasquo


  • Flash Action: On 12 March, CC and FDSEA67 launched our flash action outside the EP in Strasbourg where multiple MEPs were present such as; Anne Sander, Norbert Lins, Mazaly Aguilar, Pietro Fiocchi, Fabio Castaldo, Paola Ghidoni, Irène Tolleret, Francesca Peppucci and Colm Markey. Photos of the event can be found here. COPA President Christiane Lambert gave her first reaction here below Jean-Baptiste Boucher
  • Floriculture Event: On 9 April from 6-8pm the European Flower and Ornamental Plant Growers (represented by CC) will hold an event on recognising the fundamental importance of floriculture. This event will launch the European Flower and Ornamental Plant Growers Manifesto in order to raise awareness among citizens and politicians regarding the importance of the sector and its commitments. The event will take place in-person at the EP. For those interested please register here Manon Dubois
  • Hemp: A document on guidelines concerning the maximum levels of TCH in hemp-derived animal feed products has been approved by the WP on flax and hemp. The WP asks for higher maximum limits for feed compared to the limits set for human consumption Giacomo GualaEva Sali
  • Wine: Commissioner Wojciechowski replied to a letter to MEPs on the issue of the list of ingredients and nutritional values for wines, specifying that the word ‘ingredients’ does not need to be translated within the internal market. More information here Giacomo Guala
  • Spirits: On 20 March the spirits WP will take place in CC premises and online, followed by the CDG on spirits. In the evening, the EP intergroup on wine, spirits and quality foodstuffs will take place in the EP in physical presence Giacomo Guala
  • EFSA Webinar: EFSA is consulting stakeholders on ‘Draft guidance on the scientific requirements for an application for authorisation of a novel food in the context of Regulation (EU) 2015/2283’. The deadline is 14 April. Concurrently, EFSA is organising a webinar on the Novel Food Guidance on 21 March, from 3-6 pm. More info and registration here Eva Sali 
  • Food Waste: The EP plenary voted down the requests for separate votes for AMs 42, 46, and 47 that would bring back the targets for the processing and manufacturing stage to what the EC proposed. The anticipation of the year for the possible setting of targets for primary production also remained unchanged. The Council is expected to adopt its general approach by June whereas trilogue negotiations will start during the next mandate. The final text is available here Eva Sali 
  • Precision-fermentation: On 19 March at 2.30pm a workshop on precision-fermentation will take place. Members are invited to register by 18 March COB Eva Sali 
  • EESC Plenary: The EESC plenary will take place on 20-21 March. The EESC worked on an opinion on the EU Forest Monitoring Law. Some important AM were tabled for the plenary, that can be found here and that CC support. More information here Oana Neagu
  • Deforestation: The date of the Council experts on ENVI and Forestry on deforestation was changed from 3 April to 23 April (back to back with the Ad-hoc working group on forest monitoring on 22 April) Oana Neagu
  • EU Forest Event: FAM, in cooperation with Future of Forestry, will host a presentation of a study on the effects of substituting fossil- with fibre-based raw materials in areas of construction, packaging, textiles, fuels and chemicals. The event will include high-level introductory remarks as well as comments by independent observers and experts. The event is titled ‘Climate Benefits in the EU Forest Value Chain: Substituting Fossil- with Fibre-based Raw Materials’ and will take place on 20 March from 9-10.45am CET. Register here Oana Neagu
  • Forest Event: The United Nations Economic Commission for Europe will celebrate the International Day of Forests with a two-part event on 21 March from 10am – 1.30pm. The first event titled ‘Forest Talk: Innovation 4 Climate’ will include experts from diverse industries who will present ongoing research on innovative applications of wood components. The second event titled ‘Glacial Threads: From Forests to Future Textiles’. This will be a symbolic ceremony involving the unrolling and laying of a glacier fleece made from wood-based fibers onto Michelangelo Pistoletto’s iconic sculpture, ‘Rebirth’. Register here Oana Neagu
  • IED: The provisional agreement on the IED was submitted to plenary vote on 12 March. Certain amendments were tabled to this provisional agreement, including some by Benoît Lutgen on status quo. Unfortunately, the vote on the IED was not successful as MEPs voted against the procedural motion with 16 abstentions, 306 against and 293 in favour. The provisional agreement will now move to the Council for approval Irene de Tovar
  • CRCF: On 19 February the co-legislator reached an agreement on the CRCF. On 8 March and 11 March, Coreper and COMENVI voted the mentioned provisional agreement. The text will now need to be formally adopted by both institutions (plenary and Council) following revisions, before it can be published in the EU’s Official Journal and enter into force. The plenary session at the EP will take place in April. Following the adoption of both institutions, the EC will develop tailored certification methodologies through delegated acts. The expert group will have its next meeting on 15-17 April where items such as factors to establish a baseline and additionality should be considered Irene de Tovar
  • Green Claims: The plenary session of March 12 voted in favour of the COMENVI report, giving the negotiating mandate to the EP on the proposal for a Directive aimed at setting the rules for substantiating any communication on environmental impacts and performances of a product. CC amendments were not passed, and the main concerns for the AGRI producers still remain on simplifying the verification process for claims already verified under the CAP, and on the strong restrictions imposed on the use of carbon credits for offsetting. The Council is due to find its general approach by June 2024. Trilogue negotiations will only start after the June EU elections Giacomo GualaIrene de Tovar
  • Soil: The Soil Monitoring and Resilience Law COMENVI report was voted upon on 11 March. It was widely expected that the Compromise Amendments prepared by Martin Hojsik, the rapporteur on this file, would fail, and would be voted individually on several core Articles. However, the Committee instead supported all CAMs proposed by the Rapporteur. In this, they have supported the addition of 5 soil ecological statuses instead of the one out all out assessment; created a 3 tier system for monitoring; deletion of the soil health certificates; additional needs for information to the public; and made several changes to the Sustainable Soil Management Principles Article. It is expected that the plenary vote will take place in the mini plenary session on 11 April in Brussels, with Trilogues beginning in the Autumn Niall Curley
  • EU CAP Network: The EU CAP Network are organising an EIP-AGRI Operational Group conference along with a OG Innovation Award, to take place back to back from 7-8 May in Estoril, Portugal. The main objective of the conference is twofold: to highlight the successful implementation of the EIP-AGRI through Operational Group projects as one of its main building blocks, and to learn from this experience for the implementation of projects under the CAP 2023-2027. The main objective of the awards is to recognise and reward outstanding EIP-AGRI OGs which have developed innovative practices, solutions, products and processes. There are six award categories in total. More information and to apply here Branwen Miles
  • Bioeconomy Changemakers: This week the Secretariat participated in DG RTD Bioeconomy changemakers Festival from 13-14 March in Brussels. The event aimed at involving the youth as drivers of change alongside key stakeholders across the bioeconomy. CC participated with a young farmer from the Netherlands who shared her reflections on the Youth Ambassadors vision, whilst the Director of General Affairs Oana Neagu participated in the panel discussion on Niche to Norm. You can find the highlights form the event here Branwen Miles
  • Rural Women Event: On 20 March from 3-4.30pm, CC’s Women’s Committee will host the event „Empowering female entrepreneurship and innovation in rural areas” with Grass Ceiling to discuss providing better access to finance for rural women. Register here Branwen Miles
  • Ukraine ATM: The vote was a success this week and the EP adopted the following amendments to the EC’s proposal: 1. Change reference year for the automatic triggering system of the safeguard measures to average 2021/2022/2023. 2. Include common wheat, barley, oat, maize and honey in the automatic triggering system for the safeguard measures. 3) Change the deal to activate the automatic safeguard measures from 21 days to 14 days. The trilogue will take place on 19 March and the provisional date for a vote on the trilogue agreement in INTA is 20 March (however, it could be pushed back to 9 April INTA Committee meeting) for a vote in Plenary on 11 April. It seems that more MS are open to the EP amendments, however, it will be important to keep pushing and make sure that the EP Rapporteur sticks to the mandate Bruno Menne
Euractiv – EU to adopt new livestock farming emissions rules after Parliament backs compromise
Euractiv – EU Parliament approves farmer-backed amendments on trade benefits for Ukraine
Co-operative News – Agri co-ops apex criticises EU’s extension of Ukraine and Moldova trade measures
European Commission – Preserving Europe’s natural and semi-natural agriculture landscapes through cross-border cooperation and networking to create the European Landcare Association
EESC – European Circular Economy Stakeholder Platform Newsletter
Euractiv – EU environment chief to address anti-deforestation law concerns on South America tour
Euractiv – Parliament committee seeks timeline for EU countries to improve soil health
Euractiv – European Commission launches first measure to cut red tape for farmers
Euractiv – French parliament split ahead of EU-Canada trade agreement vote
Euractiv – Commission says new rules on animal welfare postponed in name of strategic dialogue
Euronews – Commission to kill CAP’s green farming obligations
The Brussels Times – European Parliament tightens industrial pollution rules but exempts cattle farming
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COPA-COGECA · Rue de Trèves 61 · Bruxelles 1040 · Belgium Email Marketing Powered by Mailchimp

Weekly Briefing 15.03.2024
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Secretary-General Position: CC have published the Secretary-General role for candidates with more information on CC website here as well as via the Executive Search and Consultancy Dober Partners LinkedIn here Umberto di Pasquo


  • Flash Action: On 12 March, CC and FDSEA67 launched our flash action outside the EP in Strasbourg where multiple MEPs were present such as; Anne Sander, Norbert Lins, Mazaly Aguilar, Pietro Fiocchi, Fabio Castaldo, Paola Ghidoni, Irène Tolleret, Francesca Peppucci and Colm Markey. Photos of the event can be found here. COPA President Christiane Lambert gave her first reaction here below Jean-Baptiste Boucher
  • Floriculture Event: On 9 April from 6-8pm the European Flower and Ornamental Plant Growers (represented by CC) will hold an event on recognising the fundamental importance of floriculture. This event will launch the European Flower and Ornamental Plant Growers Manifesto in order to raise awareness among citizens and politicians regarding the importance of the sector and its commitments. The event will take place in-person at the EP. For those interested please register here Manon Dubois
  • Hemp: A document on guidelines concerning the maximum levels of TCH in hemp-derived animal feed products has been approved by the WP on flax and hemp. The WP asks for higher maximum limits for feed compared to the limits set for human consumption Giacomo GualaEva Sali
  • Wine: Commissioner Wojciechowski replied to a letter to MEPs on the issue of the list of ingredients and nutritional values for wines, specifying that the word ‘ingredients’ does not need to be translated within the internal market. More information here Giacomo Guala
  • Spirits: On 20 March the spirits WP will take place in CC premises and online, followed by the CDG on spirits. In the evening, the EP intergroup on wine, spirits and quality foodstuffs will take place in the EP in physical presence Giacomo Guala
  • EFSA Webinar: EFSA is consulting stakeholders on ‘Draft guidance on the scientific requirements for an application for authorisation of a novel food in the context of Regulation (EU) 2015/2283’. The deadline is 14 April. Concurrently, EFSA is organising a webinar on the Novel Food Guidance on 21 March, from 3-6 pm. More info and registration here Eva Sali 
  • Food Waste: The EP plenary voted down the requests for separate votes for AMs 42, 46, and 47 that would bring back the targets for the processing and manufacturing stage to what the EC proposed. The anticipation of the year for the possible setting of targets for primary production also remained unchanged. The Council is expected to adopt its general approach by June whereas trilogue negotiations will start during the next mandate. The final text is available here Eva Sali 
  • Precision-fermentation: On 19 March at 2.30pm a workshop on precision-fermentation will take place. Members are invited to register by 18 March COB Eva Sali 
  • EESC Plenary: The EESC plenary will take place on 20-21 March. The EESC worked on an opinion on the EU Forest Monitoring Law. Some important AM were tabled for the plenary, that can be found here and that CC support. More information here Oana Neagu
  • Deforestation: The date of the Council experts on ENVI and Forestry on deforestation was changed from 3 April to 23 April (back to back with the Ad-hoc working group on forest monitoring on 22 April) Oana Neagu
  • EU Forest Event: FAM, in cooperation with Future of Forestry, will host a presentation of a study on the effects of substituting fossil- with fibre-based raw materials in areas of construction, packaging, textiles, fuels and chemicals. The event will include high-level introductory remarks as well as comments by independent observers and experts. The event is titled ‘Climate Benefits in the EU Forest Value Chain: Substituting Fossil- with Fibre-based Raw Materials’ and will take place on 20 March from 9-10.45am CET. Register here Oana Neagu
  • Forest Event: The United Nations Economic Commission for Europe will celebrate the International Day of Forests with a two-part event on 21 March from 10am – 1.30pm. The first event titled ‘Forest Talk: Innovation 4 Climate’ will include experts from diverse industries who will present ongoing research on innovative applications of wood components. The second event titled ‘Glacial Threads: From Forests to Future Textiles’. This will be a symbolic ceremony involving the unrolling and laying of a glacier fleece made from wood-based fibers onto Michelangelo Pistoletto’s iconic sculpture, ‘Rebirth’. Register here Oana Neagu
  • IED: The provisional agreement on the IED was submitted to plenary vote on 12 March. Certain amendments were tabled to this provisional agreement, including some by Benoît Lutgen on status quo. Unfortunately, the vote on the IED was not successful as MEPs voted against the procedural motion with 16 abstentions, 306 against and 293 in favour. The provisional agreement will now move to the Council for approval Irene de Tovar
  • CRCF: On 19 February the co-legislator reached an agreement on the CRCF. On 8 March and 11 March, Coreper and COMENVI voted the mentioned provisional agreement. The text will now need to be formally adopted by both institutions (plenary and Council) following revisions, before it can be published in the EU’s Official Journal and enter into force. The plenary session at the EP will take place in April. Following the adoption of both institutions, the EC will develop tailored certification methodologies through delegated acts. The expert group will have its next meeting on 15-17 April where items such as factors to establish a baseline and additionality should be considered Irene de Tovar
  • Green Claims: The plenary session of March 12 voted in favour of the COMENVI report, giving the negotiating mandate to the EP on the proposal for a Directive aimed at setting the rules for substantiating any communication on environmental impacts and performances of a product. CC amendments were not passed, and the main concerns for the AGRI producers still remain on simplifying the verification process for claims already verified under the CAP, and on the strong restrictions imposed on the use of carbon credits for offsetting. The Council is due to find its general approach by June 2024. Trilogue negotiations will only start after the June EU elections Giacomo GualaIrene de Tovar
  • Soil: The Soil Monitoring and Resilience Law COMENVI report was voted upon on 11 March. It was widely expected that the Compromise Amendments prepared by Martin Hojsik, the rapporteur on this file, would fail, and would be voted individually on several core Articles. However, the Committee instead supported all CAMs proposed by the Rapporteur. In this, they have supported the addition of 5 soil ecological statuses instead of the one out all out assessment; created a 3 tier system for monitoring; deletion of the soil health certificates; additional needs for information to the public; and made several changes to the Sustainable Soil Management Principles Article. It is expected that the plenary vote will take place in the mini plenary session on 11 April in Brussels, with Trilogues beginning in the Autumn Niall Curley
  • EU CAP Network: The EU CAP Network are organising an EIP-AGRI Operational Group conference along with a OG Innovation Award, to take place back to back from 7-8 May in Estoril, Portugal. The main objective of the conference is twofold: to highlight the successful implementation of the EIP-AGRI through Operational Group projects as one of its main building blocks, and to learn from this experience for the implementation of projects under the CAP 2023-2027. The main objective of the awards is to recognise and reward outstanding EIP-AGRI OGs which have developed innovative practices, solutions, products and processes. There are six award categories in total. More information and to apply here Branwen Miles
  • Bioeconomy Changemakers: This week the Secretariat participated in DG RTD Bioeconomy changemakers Festival from 13-14 March in Brussels. The event aimed at involving the youth as drivers of change alongside key stakeholders across the bioeconomy. CC participated with a young farmer from the Netherlands who shared her reflections on the Youth Ambassadors vision, whilst the Director of General Affairs Oana Neagu participated in the panel discussion on Niche to Norm. You can find the highlights form the event here Branwen Miles
  • Rural Women Event: On 20 March from 3-4.30pm, CC’s Women’s Committee will host the event „Empowering female entrepreneurship and innovation in rural areas” with Grass Ceiling to discuss providing better access to finance for rural women. Register here Branwen Miles
  • Ukraine ATM: The vote was a success this week and the EP adopted the following amendments to the EC’s proposal: 1. Change reference year for the automatic triggering system of the safeguard measures to average 2021/2022/2023. 2. Include common wheat, barley, oat, maize and honey in the automatic triggering system for the safeguard measures. 3) Change the deal to activate the automatic safeguard measures from 21 days to 14 days. The trilogue will take place on 19 March and the provisional date for a vote on the trilogue agreement in INTA is 20 March (however, it could be pushed back to 9 April INTA Committee meeting) for a vote in Plenary on 11 April. It seems that more MS are open to the EP amendments, however, it will be important to keep pushing and make sure that the EP Rapporteur sticks to the mandate Bruno Menne
Euractiv – EU to adopt new livestock farming emissions rules after Parliament backs compromise
Euractiv – EU Parliament approves farmer-backed amendments on trade benefits for Ukraine
Co-operative News – Agri co-ops apex criticises EU’s extension of Ukraine and Moldova trade measures
European Commission – Preserving Europe’s natural and semi-natural agriculture landscapes through cross-border cooperation and networking to create the European Landcare Association
EESC – European Circular Economy Stakeholder Platform Newsletter
Euractiv – EU environment chief to address anti-deforestation law concerns on South America tour
Euractiv – Parliament committee seeks timeline for EU countries to improve soil health
Euractiv – European Commission launches first measure to cut red tape for farmers
Euractiv – French parliament split ahead of EU-Canada trade agreement vote
Euractiv – Commission says new rules on animal welfare postponed in name of strategic dialogue
Euronews – Commission to kill CAP’s green farming obligations
The Brussels Times – European Parliament tightens industrial pollution rules but exempts cattle farming
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<![CDATA[Weekly Briefing 08.03.2024]]> https://mailchi.mp/552e3eb4eade/weekly-briefing-08032024 https://mailchi.mp/552e3eb4eade/weekly-briefing-08032024
Weekly Briefing 08.03.2024
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  • CAP Simplification: As part of the simplification exercise launched recently by the EC a survey on simplification was launched on 7 March. Farmers are invited to fill in the online survey on simplification via the EP website. The main objective is to get, by summer, a clearer picture of the main administrative obstacles perceived and faced by farmers. A preliminary analysis will be presented in the EC Workshop on governance and performance on 12 April. The survey is open from 7 March – 8 April, and the questions are available in all EU languages. Member organisations are encouraged to disseminate this within their respective organisations so that it reaches as many farmers as possible Paulo GouveiaCamelia Gyorffy
  • GAEC 1: The publication of the Delegated act revising the Delegated act 2022/126 on GAEC 1 is expected to take place next week. To recall, this revision introduces flexibility for MS when it comes to the ratio to take into account structural changes, but also other situations which lead to an increase or a decrease of this ratio Paulo GouveiaCamelia Gyorffy
  • Flash Action: CC Secretariat sent out the invitations for the flash action on 6 March to the press and MEPs. The press invitation COMM(24)00746 and Parliamentary invitation COMM(24)00747 can be found on Agri-Pulse in English. Please share these invitations with your press and Parliamentary contacts. Concerning the number of participants and delegations that wish to join please be sure to fill in the following jotform here to give us a clearer idea. Additionally, please note whether a member of your delegation would be interested in taking the stage to provide a speech (also within the jotform). The action will take place in front of the EP (Rue Lucien Fevre) and CC welcome members to join from 10am, with the action starting at 10.30am. As one of the votes taking place will be on IED, CC tweeted a thread here on 10 reasons why we should go back to the EP’s mandate on the scope of application for agricultural activities Jean-Baptiste Boucher
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  • Oilseeds & Protein Crops WP Election: Congratulations to Stephan Arens for being elected Chair of the Oilseeds and Protein Crops WP on 6 March! Congratulations also to Juliusz Młodecki  for being re-elected as VC and Claude Soudé for being elected as VC! Bruno Menne
  • EU Organic Awards: Applications opened on 4 March for the EU organic awards. CC is responsible for awarding the best organic female farmer award. COPA VP Mladen Jakopovich highlighted the importance of these awards here. To apply apply click here Riccardo Pelani
  • Floriculture Event: On 9 April from 6-8pm the European Flower and Ornamental Plant Growers (represented by CC) will hold an event on recognising the fundamental importance of floriculture. This event will launch the European Flower and Ornamental Plant Growers Manifesto in order to raise awareness among citizens and politicians regarding the importance of the sector and its commitments. The event will take place in-person at the EP. For those interested please register here Manon Dubois
  • SUR: After the official aunouncement of the EC of the withdrawal of the SUR, the work both in the Council and EP has completely stopped. The EC has sent the official letter of notification of the withdrawal to the Presidency of the Council and EP, on which they can react if desired until the 31 March. No reaction is expected from the EP as they already voted their position  in favor of the withdrawal. The Presidency is expected no to react as well. All technical meetings of the Council on the SUR have been canceled. It is now up to the EC to reinitiate the discussions with a new proposal once they are ready for this. DG Sante is already working on a way forward but political validation by the new EC will be needed to put something on the table again Marina Antonova
  • EFSA Webinar: EFSA is consulting stakeholders on ‘Draft guidance on the scientific requirements for an application for authorisation of a novel food in the context of Regulation (EU) 2015/2283’. The deadline is 14 April. Concurrently, EFSA is organising a webinar on the Novel Food Guidance on 21 March, from 3-6 pm. More info and registration here Eva Sali 
  • Food Waste: The COMENVI report amending Directive 2008/98/EC on waste (DA(24)00750) will be voted in plenary on 13 March. Improvements to the text will be pursued through split and separate votes regarding primary production and the targets for the processing and manufacturing. On 11 or 12 in the morning, CC will communicate the final voting list with members and MEPs Eva Sali 
  • 2025 AWP: DG AGRI is requesting input for the priorities for the 2025 Annual Work Programme for the promotion of agricultural products. Please send your contributions to the Secretariat by 15 March. In their request, DG AGRI does not excludes budget cuts for multi programmes as of 2025 due to commitments made for Ukraine (PPA(24)00740) . The 2024 AWP and simple programmes will be unaffected Eva Sali 
  • EFSA: Two calls for replacement in the EFSA discussion groups are open. One concerns the newly-created Environmental Risk Assessment Discussion Group (pesticides) and the other the Discussion Group on Emerging Risk Identification (plant-health). Interested and expert members are invited to indicate their availability and put forward their CV Eva Sali 
  • Save the date: The Bioeconomy Changemakers Festival will take place in Brussels from 13-14 March. CC will contribute to this important event organised by the EC Oana Neagu
  • EU Forest Event: FAM, in cooperation with Future of Forestry, will host a presentation of a study on the effects of substituting fossil- with fibre-based raw materials in areas of construction, packaging, textiles, fuels and chemicals. The event will include high-level introductory remarks as well as comments by independent observers and experts. The event is titled ‘Climate Benefits in the EU Forest Value Chain: Substituting Fossil- with Fibre-based Raw Materials’ and will take place on 20 March from 9-10.45am CET. Register here Oana Neagu
  • Forest Event: The United Nations Economic Commission for Europe will celebrate the International Day of Forests with a two-part event on 21 March from 10am – 1.30pm. The first event titled ‘Forest Talk: Innovation 4 Climate’ will include experts from diverse industries who will present ongoing research on innovative applications of wood components. The second event titled ‘Glacial Threads: From Forests to Future Textiles’. This will be a symbolic ceremony involving the unrolling and laying of a glacier fleece made from wood-based fibers onto Michelangelo Pistoletto’s iconic sculpture, ‘Rebirth’. Register here Oana Neagu
  • IED: The Plenary vote is scheduled for 12 March with the deadline to submit amendments being 6 March. Benoît Lutgen (rapporteur COMAGRI) is preparing to table amendments to the agreement on the IED. Pascal Canfin and COMENVI rapporteur, Radan Kanev have clarified intentions to approve the political agreement with a political declaration from the EC Irene de Tovar
  • Green Claims: For the next plenary session in Strasbourg, MEPs will be called to vote on the EP position on the proposal for Green Claims. The use of offsetting with carbon credits is limited to residual emissions and insetting by the amendments, putting at risk the uptake of carbon farming practices. Please see here the VL indications and the amendments tabled here Giacomo GualaIrene de Tovar
  • Soil: The Soil Monitoring and Resilience Law vote in COMENVI shall take place on 11 March in a Strasbourg sitting of the Committee. It is due to be the last vote in the 7-9.30pm session on that date. CC can see that the mini plenary in April (10-11) has the soil law vote planned for the 11. However this is dependent on the soil law report from COMENVI. It is highly possible this will be pushed to the next, and final plenary of this EP mandate Niall Curley
  • EU CAP Network: The EU CAP Network are organising an EIP-AGRI Operational Group conference along with a OG Innovation Award, to take place back to back from 7-8 May in Estoril, Portugal. The main objective of the conference is twofold: to highlight the successful implementation of the EIP-AGRI through Operational Group projects as one of its main building blocks, and to learn from this experience for the implementation of projects under the CAP 2023-2027. The main objective of the awards is to recognise and reward outstanding EIP-AGRI OGs which have developed innovative practices, solutions, products and processes. There are six award categories in total. More information and to apply here Branwen Miles
  • GreenGenius: As part of the EU Bioeconomy Changemaker festival, Euroseeds, with support of Plant ETP, are organising a plant-focused science forum ‘GreenGenius’ to empower youth and early-career researchers active in plant-related sciences to drive the change towards a sustainable bioeconomy. The in-person event will be held on 12 March from 12.30-5.30 at BluePoint in Brussels. More information here Branwen Miles